The fastest way to fix automation problems!
The Olis app!
Olis® at a glance
Simplify troubleshooting by synchronizing video and log data to quickly diagnose automation issues after a downtime event.
This means system integrators can travel less and solve field issues faster
24/7 monitoring of videos and fault events
The product is a quick retrofit for most automation cells (5 min app install)
"Olis® gives you the ability to see the cause of robot failure instantly, enabling you to quickly find the root causes and plan and execute a course of corrective action."
Director of Engineering at CRG Automation
Simple setup in 3 steps
1. Download the app
Download the app on our suggested android tablets
Use a USB-C to ethernet dongle to connect the controllers to your android tablet
2. Connect through dongle
3. Let Olis® do the work
Collect diagnostics, monitor operations and avoid disastrous downtime!
"Technologies like Olis provide so much more information, so much more quickly, enabling us to solve problems faster than before."
Chief Controls Engineer at Pearson Packaging
Five minute setup
Diagnose your robot controllers with an Android device, dongle, and Ethernet cable. No extra hardware required.
Live controller data
View controller I/O status, current program state, and a complete searchable list of PLC tags.
Customizable condition monitoring
Monitor tags, I/O, and fault LEDs. Use saved logs and video to help you understand, troubleshoot, and refine processes.
Timestamped video playback
Review timestamped video history, giving you complete visibility during events of concern. No eye-witness? No problem.
Real-time screen sharing
Share your app screen with your team for remote troubleshooting and support—fully secure via secret link.
General-purpose port forwarding
Built-in general purpose port forwarding for use of software tools such as Studio5000, VNC viewers, and more. No VPN needed.
Recommended Hardware
The app runs best if you use the recommended hardware.
Samsung Android tablet
Samsung Galaxy Tab A9 $134 (smaller but works great)
Samsung Galaxy S9 FE $492
Required accessory
USB-C → Ethernet adapter <$20 such that the tablet can communicate with the robot controllers/PLCs. We recommend this one since you can charge and use Ethernet simultaneously.
Who is this for?
The app allows integrators and end users to remotely monitor and troubleshoot robots and PLCs, reducing travel time and enabling efficient debugging without a complex setup.
Get Started Now!
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Supported Controllers
Allen Bradley
Universal Robots